6 - 9:30 AM - Breakfast:
Sit Down Menu Service Dining
Rooms: Savor Dinning Room, Deck 6, Aft, Port Side (left side of the
ship) and the Taste Dining Room, Deck 6, Aft, Starboard Side (right side
of the ship), directly across from each other,
https://www.ncl.com/cruise-ship/escape/deck-plans. They will probably want everyone in your party to be present
when they seat you, so you might want show up in a group. There are NO
advanced reservations. They just seat you as you arrive.
As an alternative, O'Sheehan's. Deck 7, Mid Ship, Port Side is also open
Jolly Roger H3 - Trail #1626.
Get off the ship and follow hash marks to the start,
When: Circle Up for chalk talk at 9:30 AM.
Turkeys 2.2 miles, Eagles: 4.4ish miles. Make sure you bring money
with you on trail in case you need to pay for transportation to/from the
end, especially you meek hashers.
Remarks: Let Dab and Gockle Stumper
know if you plan to eat at the on after so we can let the bar know about
how many will be coming. Food and beverage at the on after is NOT part
of the rego. Send an email to
dab@jollyrogerh3.com and
We're putting a check mark (√) next to your name on the Who's Coming
List at
On After:
Immediately After Down Downs:
Tola Beverage Company (and Brewery!), about 2 miles south of the port,
Gockle Stumper & Tight Lips.
Emergency Phone
Number: Dab, 813-943-4855.
Re-board Ship!
1 PM: Be
back aboard ship, or at least in line to board ship.
Anchors Away! 2 PM: Ship Sails!
Dine: 5:15 PM: Manhattan Dining Room, Deck 7, Aft, https://www.ncl.com/cruise-ship/encore/deck-plans. Be advised, our dinner reservations for this cruise are not at the same time every night. They are based on what time the ship sails and what our plans are for each day. So, be sure to check the itinerary every day to be sure you get the time correct. Or, go to http://www.jollyrogerh3.com/2023-NCL-Dining.htm to view entire schedule.
Late Night: During dinner our Mistress Of Misadventures (MOM), Math Sucks... will come around the to our diner tables and advise us on our "group" late night activity. This info will also be posted on her cabin door, cabin #10104, https://www.ncl.com/cruise-ship/encore/deck-plans.