JRH3 Trail #1569
Wed, Feb 2nd, 2022 (2/2/22)
Double Tutu Hash
1570 1568 →
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a list of attendees.
Hare Toast
The below standard hare blessing/toast
was the approximately what was conducted during this hash.
hare blessing/toast
Hare, RA, OnSec/Hash Cash,
FRB, FBI & Brainless Award Winner (Basic Hash Trash)
Hazukashii was the hare,
Dark Helmet was the RA, Dab was the FRB,
Cow Fluffer was the FBI and Septic Yank won the brainless award.
Commentary (Expanded Hash Trash)
My old friend MOON was in town, and he brought a handful of fellow hashers down
from Pittsburgh. To make sure he and his whole gang felt special, I made sure to
add a water crossing on trail. So after all the initial formalities at the
start, it was hares away.
Trail crossed Westshore, and found the first of several parking garages. Soon
after that, trail turned left and right into the water crossing (was not really
much, just ankle deep and 6 feet wide). Trail then headed south towards I275,
zipping around a small pond before heading under the interstate and into the
Westshore Mall, where trail again made its way through another parking garage .
. . UP UP UP, and then down down down.
More road crossings, and more parking garages later, the pack (after the
turkey/eagle split), eventually turned up at the beer stop behind Publix. Trail
then crossed back over Westshore, and then Kennedy, and weaved its way back up
north to the finish. A solid 3 miles for the walkers, and nearly 5 for the
runners (that explored beyond the many checks on trail).
Dark Helmet put us through the paces of circle, ensuring the visitors from
Pittsburgh paid their penance for showing up without bringing northern beer, and
splashed them with some southern beer. In the end, it was just another S H I . .
. T T Y . . . T R A I L.
Approximate Map of True Trail
Trail Info (actual data)
JRH3 Trail #1569
Wed, Feb 2nd, 2022 (2/2/22)
Tutu Hash
Theme: Since trail is on the 22nd day, of the
2nd month, of 2022, this
will be a "double" (2, 2) tutu hash. So show up wearing a tutu, optional of
course. To find out how to make a tutu, go to
Tampa Nails, 4730 W Cypress
St, Tampa, FL 33607,
On Before/Dinner & Drinks: 5:30
- 6:30 PM,
Chipotle Mexican Grill,
309 N Westshore Blvd, Tampa, FL 33609,
Check In: 6:30 - 7:30 PM, parking lot behind Tampa Nails, at approximately 789 N Westshore Blvd, Tampa, FL 33607, https://goo.gl/maps/5oGTCPFHiDLjjqM8A.
Trail: 7:30 PM, 3+ mi, shiggy level 2.69, http://www.jollyrogerh3.com/Shiggy%20Meter.htm
, T/E split trail.Safety: Make sure you bring a flashlight and/or h'd lamp and wear reflective clothing, as it will be dark on trail. Also, please carry a mobile phone with you on trail, especially if you are unfamiliar with the area in case you get lost, hurt, scared, mugged, etc. The days of technology on trail being an offense are long gone in this hash, for safety reasons.
Hash Cash: $4 for bottled water & snacks, $7 for bottled water, beer & snacks, $10 for bottled water, beers, hard cider, hard seltzer water & snacks. Pay by cash, check, money order, Venmo, at https://venmo.com/RICHARD-GEERS, or Zelle to dab@jollyrogerh3.com
, ph/text # 813-943-4855.Hare: Hazukashii.
On After: Chipotle's.
Going So Far:
click on "GOING" on the Facebook Event, at
https://fb.me/e/1Q7EKFEZk, send an
email to
or a text to 813-943-4855 (any media accepted). Let us know if you plan to
attend so we can properly plan to support you. Let us know your beverage of
choice and we will try to have it for you at this trail.