JRH3 Trail #1522
Wed, May 5th, 2021
Hare Toast
Math Sucks is the hare
For Cinco De Drinko
We hope she scouted well
So trail doesn't stink-o
Repeat after me;
Bless this hare
Bless this trail
Policia no detect us
Falso rastro no redirect us
And fria cervesas no neglect us
In the name of the flour
The fun
And the holy run
Which way is on out?
Hare, RA, OnSec/Hash Cash,
FRB, FBI & Brainless Award Winner (Basic Hash Trash)
Math Sucks.. was the hare, Dark Helmet was the RA, Dark Helmet was the FRB and
On Ahead was the FBI. We decided to let Septic Yank keep the Brainless Award yet
another week for being himself. Yours Truly Dabadoo, acted as the On Sec, Hash
Cash and Beer Meister and HPV acted as Hash Flash. Math Sucks drover the beer
vehicle. All in all it was just another SHITTY TRAIL.
Commentary (Expanded Hash Trash)
Well, it was an excellent trail . . . at least the parts I ran. While doing my
best to keep up with 2-Rung, at about the 1 mile mark I saw him cross the road
and look around concerned. I straggled up next to him, to see a flour mark on
the other side of a closed gate chain link fence (unfortunately I did not go
back to the other side of the road to see if it was a check or an arrow pointing
him across the street), but thinking it was an arrow, I told him I was going to
run around the corner to see where it might come out. Finding nothing, I kept
going around, eventually ending up clear back at the start. So then I started
running backwards on trail to run trail, and after about a half mile of railroad
track, found an arrow and then soon ran into the walkers. I kept going back to
the R/W split, where I found 2-Rung, who figured he was so far behind he would
just run the walkers trail in to catch up. Convincing him that the walkers were
not far away, and that we should go back and do the runners' trail. It was an
excellent trail, winding its way through parks, and parking lots, eventually
getting back on the railroad tracks for the half mile on in. Dark Helmet once
again proctored the circle, for the semi-attentive gaggle of hashers that were
present, with much fun being had by all.
Approximate Map of True Trail
Trail Info (actual data)
Where: Come wearing Cinco De Mayo attire! There will be Chips and Salsa for snacks and maybe even some Margaritas!
Check In: 6:30 - 7:30 PM,
parking lot behind Village Inn, 11302 N 30th St, Tampa, FL 33612, https://goo.gl/maps/sDYhofvX1hqrn9Ba9.Trail:
7:30 PM, 3+ mile, with 1.5 maximum shiggy level (1-5 scale with 5 as the toughest), http://www.jollyrogerh3.com/Shiggy%20Meter.htm.Hash Cash: $4 for bottled water & snacks, $7 for bottled water, beer & snacks, $10 for bottled water, beers, hard cider, hard seltzer water & snacks. Pay by cash, check, money order, Venmo, at https://venmo.com/RICHARD-GEERS, Zelle, or Cash App, to dab@jollyrogerh3.com, ph/text # 813-943-4855.
On After: 5:30 - 6:30 PM,
in the N 30th St Sports Pub.
Who's Going So Far:
RSVP Requested: To RSVP, click on "GOING on
the Facebook Event, at