Jolly Roger H3 - Trail #1280
Wed, Sep 13th, 2017
Hooter's Trail
Hare Blessing
Standard Blessing +
2 Thighs And A Side
Hare, FRB, FBI & Brainless
Award Winner (Basic Hash Trash)
Septic Yank was the hare, 2 Thighs was the RA, Dab acted as Hash Cash & On Sec, Black & Decker Pecker Anal Wrecker was the FRB, 2 Thighs was the FBI and Septic yank won the Brainles Award, again.
Approximate Map of Trail
Coming soon, maybe?
Directions & Info
Where: Vacant lot behind the Twisty Treat, 4418 W Gandy Blvd, Tampa, FL 33611, between Hooters and Duncan Donuts,
When: 6:30 PM, off at 7:30 PM. Or come out early, about 5 PMish, and eat dinner with us across the street at Applebees.
Hare: Septic Yank will be the hare.
Hash Cash: $7 ($4 for non-beer drinkers).
On After: Gandy Hooters.
Phone Number: 813-943-4855.