Jolly Roger H3 - Trail #1225
Sat, Jan 7th, 2017
Purple Penis Eater's Epiphany Beer Day Trail
And Hash Raffle!

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Hare Blessing

Beer Blessing

Will Sing For Head

Hare, FRB, FBI & Brainless Award Winner (Basic Hash Trash)

Purple Penis Eater & Holey Poley were the hare, F'ckleUp was the RA, Just Ben (G) acted as Hash Cash, and On Sec, These Are the Tits You Are Looking for acted as the Raffle Meister, Manchowder Cha Cha was the FBI, Masturbator Interogator was the FBI and Just Ben won the Brainless Award. Just Ben was also named Bloody Sanchez. And, Cha Cha and Kittly Litter won prizes for finding the crosses on trail. GRC was a case of Miller Lite for answering the question of when the 12th day of Christmas was (Jan 6th), the day of Epiphany. So Christmas is over now, take down your trees, lights and other decorations.

Approximate Map of Trail

Coming soon, maybe?

Trail Directions & Info

Theme: Join Purple Penis Eater in celebrating her Beer Day and search for an Epiphany cross on trail and win a prize!

Where: Coppertail Brewery overflow parking,, 2601 E 2nd Ave, Tampa, FL 33605,

When: 4 PM, off at 5 PM.

Trail: 3+ mi, shiggy 1, on a 1-5 scale.

Hare: Purple Penis Eater.

Hash Cash: $7 ($4 for non-beer drinkers).

Raffle: Bring something to donate if you'd like, or not. You don't have to bring something to get something. One hasher's trash is a pirate hasher's treasure.

On After: Coppertail Brewery, back at the start.

Phone Number: 813-943-4855.

Printable Copy:

Receding Hareline: