Jolly Roger H3 - Trail
Wed, Dec 21st, 2016
HPV's Christmas Lights In Seminole Heights Trail
Corner Club Tavern
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Hare Blessing
Beer Blessing
2 Thighs
Hare, FRB, FBI & Brainless
Award Winner (Basic Hash Trash)
HPV was the hare, 2 Thighs was the RA, Just Ben acted as Hash Cash and Hash Flash, Just Vanessa acted as On Sec, HPV drove the beer truck, Field Of Streams was the FRB, Access AA was the FBI and Slim Prickens won the Brainless Award.
Approximate Map of Trail
Coming soon, maybe?
Directions & Info
Where: Corner
Club Tavern, 1502 E Sligh Ave, Tampa, FL 33610,
Directions: From
I-275 & I-4, N on I-275 for 2.7 mi to Exit 48. Rt/E on Sligh for .7 mi and find
the Corner Club Tavern on the left,
Trail: Trail:
3+ mi trail, shiggy level of 1 (1-5
scale), with beer & shot stop compliments of the leftovers shots from
the TBH3 12DDs hash.
Hare: HPV.
Hash Cash: $7
($4 for non-drinkers).
On After: Corner Club Tavern.
Phone Number: 813-943-4855.