Shitty Name
Hare, FRB, FBI & Brainless Award Winner
(Basic Hash Trash)
Spicy Dick Slapper & Diaper Dasher were the hares,
Shitty Name was the RA,
Sloppy Red Wings was the FRB, Thumper Humper was the FBI, Thumper won the Brainless Award, Willy Wanka was the On
Sec, and Who's On First drove the beer truck.
Hash Trash (Expanded
Hash Trash or map of trail)
If none, see basic hash trash above.
Trail Directions & Info
Theme: Come join us in celebrating the 239th birthday of the United States Marine Corp, as well as Veteran's Day. Wear anything Marine Corps, military in general, or patriotic.
Where: Meet at 505 N Sherill St, Tampa, FL 33609,
When: Meet at 6:30 PM, on off at 7:30 PM.
Directions: To get there from I-275 & I-4, in central Tampa, go southwest on I-275 for 4.4 miles. Take Exit 40A for Westshore Blvd for 0.1 miles. Go right on N Westshore for 0.1 miles. Go left on W Cypress St for 0.1 miles. Go left on N Occident St for 0.3 miles which becomes N Lemon as it turns right. Go left on N Sherrill St and look for Marines,
Trail: This will be a 3+ mile "live hare" trail with 1 beer stop and 2 or more shot stops with a shiggy level of 2 or less, on a 1-5 scale, with 5 being the toughest.
BnB Safety & Buddy System: Wear reflective clothing, a head lamp, or carry a flashlight, as it will be dark on this trail. Try to stay with the pack, or at least one other person for SAFETY SAKE! Nobody should ever do trail alone. If you see anyone behind you, alone on trail, slow down and wait for them.
Hash Cash: Suggest $7 for beer drinkers and $4 for non-beer drinkers.
Hares: Diaper Dasher & Spicy Dick Slapper will be the hares.
On After:
The on after will "tentatively" be at The Pub, located at 2223 N Westshore Blvd, Tampa, FL 33607 To get there from the starting location, go right on Sherrill, right on Lemon, right on Cypress, left on Westshore into the International Mall and find The Pub on the north side of the mall,