here to view the photos.
(Did you take any photos during
this hash? If so, load them on Picasa, or similar, and send us the link and we'll put it
(Please be sure to check back as more photos will be added to this site over the
next week or so).
here for a list
Ranger Ralph
Hare, FRB, FBI & Brainless Award Winner
(Basic Hash Trash)
Inda Linda & When Fairy Met Sally were the hares, Taxi was the FRB,
was the FBI, and Spread Cheeks won the Brainless Award.
Hash Trash (Expanded Hash Trash or map of trail)
Coming soon, maybe?
Trail Directions & Info
Meet at the far end of the parking lot in front of the Coppertop Pub, located at 5112 E Fowler Ave, Tampa, FL, 33617 ,
From I-275 & I-4, in central Tampa, go north on I-275 for 5.6 miles to Exit 51. Go right, or east on Fowler for 3.6 miles and find the Coppertop Pub on the left, This will be a 3 mile, "live hare" trail, with one beer stop, and a shiggy level of 2 (
on a 1-5 scale), with 5 being the toughest.Hares:
Inda Linda & When Fairy Met Sally will be the hares.Donations: Suggest $7 for drinkers and $3 for non-drinkers.
On After: The on after will be at the Coppertop Pub, back at the start.
Phone Number: For more information, or in case you get lost, call our mobile phone at 813-943-4855.
Receding Hareline: Click
here to view it.