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Goo Lite Special
Hare, FRB, FBI & Brainless Award Winner
(Basic Hash Trash)
Goo Lite Special, Defender of Peedom, Ranger Ralph, Man Gurgler & Spicy Dick Slapper
were the hares, Puppy was the FRB,
Goo was the FBI, and Ranger Ralph won the Brainless Award.
Hash Trash (Expanded
Hash Trash or map of trail)
It was a wet and rainy
night. And as a result, only 14 faces showed up. However, Kitty Litter and
Access All Areas, did call me by telephone to let me know their status. They
almost made it, but decided to turn around and go back home because of bad
traffic and poor weather. Kitty said the Gandy Bridge was a parking lot and Access said
her dog didn't like the idea of getting wet (or something like that). I wonder
how many others started to come out but then changed their minds after they left
home? But I knew the weather would be a factor from the get go, so I expected as
much. They were forecasting a 60% chance of rain. That's why I decided to have
trail start from the location where I did. Because it had shelter where we
could back the beer van up to and keep everyone dry during circles. On top of
that, nobody volunteered to hare. I really didn't want to ask the Spare Hares to
set trail again. Diaper had just laid 3 trails in a row and Ranger Ralph laid 3
out of the last 4 in a row (They finally figured out its not a good idea for
both Spare Hares to hare together though). Then I thought about laying trail
myself. But I only do preset, dead hare, trails. And with a 60% chance of rain,
I figured it would get washed away and then I'd have to set it again, live, at
hares away time, and I would surely get caught on foot, and I doubt if the pack
would be amused watching me hare away on a bicycle. So my only other option
would be to declare this as pick up hash. But, I thought, "who would really show
up for that?" So, I though I would spice it up a bit. In fact, why even announce
it as pick up hash. I'll just keep it secret with and come up with a crazy
scheme to distract everybody's attention from the weather. I came up with the
idea of having some sort of game for the pack to play before trail and have the
winner awarded with the honor of being the first hare for a pick up hash.
That might even be funny, which it was. So, I chose a bastardized version of
Clue. As attendees showed up they were given a toe tag with a Clue Game
character on the front and a Clue Game weapon on the back. They were told they
needed to hang the toe tag on them for everyone to see. All of the characters
and weapons were handed out on toe tags except for one. That one I kept in may
pocket. That's the one everyone had to figure out as the Clue Game murderer and
the weapon used. Since all of the possible combination of characters and weapons
where handed out on toe tags, it was a simple task of elimination to find out
what character and weapon were on the toe tag I had concealed from everyone. The
pack was told they could at any time make a guess, rather than go through all 36
possibilities. About 1/2 way through the ciphering, Ranger Ralph guessed the
correct combination and was awarded the Clueless Award - a bag of flour and the
information that he was the hare for a pick up hash. Everyone laughed, so I
guess it worked Okay.
In addition to character/weapon toe tags, everyone was also given a pencil and a
Hash Clue Detective Sheet to keep track of what characters and weapons were in
play. See below for a copy of the detective sheet. The ones that were not given
out were
the answers.
All in all, it was just another shitty hash!
Trail Directions & Info
Theme: From the clues revealed during this hash, figure out who the murderer is (Miss Scarlet, Col Mustard, Mrs White, Mr Green, Mrs Peacock or Prof Plum) and what weapon was used (candlestick, wrench, rope, revolver, knife, or lead pipe). The 6 characters and 6 weapons make for a total of 36 character/weapon possibilities that will be handed out on toe tags before trail. One of them will not be handed out, which will be the answer to the Hash Clue Game. The hasher who guesses correctly first will win the Clueless Award.
When: Meet at 6:30 PM, on trail at 7:30 PM.
From I-275 & Dale Mabry, in Central Tampa, go south Dale Mabry for 4.2 miles. Go right on Gandy for .9 miles and find the parking lot on the right, just after Manhattan. For a map, go to
This will be a 3+ mile "live hare trail" with a shiggy level of 2 or less, on a 1-5 scale, with 5 being the toughest.Hare(s):
You will be given clues as to who the hare(s) will be during the circle at the start.Donations:
Suggest $7 for drinkers & $3 for non-drinkers.On After:
This will be the last clue revealed.Phone Number: For more information, or in case you get lost, call our mobile phone at 813-943-4855.
Receding Hareline:
Click here to view it.