Jolly Roger H3 |
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Hare Blessings
We're here for Just Jeanne's virgin lay
With Haz to help show her the way
Off they'll go to lay
the trail
While we pray it doesn't hail
So don't look so dour
Just follow the flour
'Til you find the beer near
And then let out a big cheer
Standard JRH3 blessing
Hare, FRB, FBI & Brainless Award Winner
(Basic Hash Trash)
Just Jeanne & Haz were the hares, EatMyF'nSausage was the FRB, Liquor was the
FBI and Spread Cheeks won the Brainless Award.
Hash Trash (Expanded Hash Trash or map of trail)
It was a wet chilly night in South Tampa for the 13 people who braved their way out to hash in the rain. Ship Wrecktum was the RA, Inda Linda was the OnSec and the Hash Flash, while yours truly Dabadoo, brought the beer, drove the beer truck, collected hash, etc. Liquor volunteered to drive the beer truck at the last moment after the rest of the pack had already set off on trail, but I wouldn't allow it because it was too late for me to catch up by then, being almost crippled and all. And, I had committed to driving it after no body else stepped forward during the circle at the start. So, Liquor did trail along with everybody else except for Urine, who claimed she had shit to do at home and did not do trail.
Spread Cheeks showed up about 15 minutes after the pack left on trail and completely missed the circle at the end. Spread Cheeks said he did about 6 miles when the rest of us did about 3. He (Spread Cheeks) said it was hard to follow trail because of the rain and then it got dark and his flashlight went out. But, he finally finished and joined us at the on after (at Hooters at Gandy & Manhattan) about 15 minutes after we got there.
Because of his tardiness and getting lost on trail, Spread Cheeks won the Brainless Award even though he wasn't at the circle. Actually, I nominated Spead Cheeks for the Brainless in a last moment desperate effort to avoid getting the award myself for confusing a tampon for a poncho to wear in the rain. EatMyF'n Sausage was a close 3rd for the award for laying down in a puddle of water before trail to check something out under his vehicle (yea it was lame, but like I said, I was desperate to avoid the Brainless Award).
This was Just Jeanne's virgin lay accompanied by Haz, her co-hare and trainer. Okay, now lets see how long it takes before she volunteers to lay a trail on her own; hint, hint! Speaking of haring, if anybody would like to lay a trail for the JRH3, feel free to sign up for one of the open hashes at http://jollyrogerh3.com/Receding%20Hareline.htm.
During multiples GRC was awarded a bandana for accomplishing her 475th trail witht the JRH3. Liquor was recognized for doing her 85th trail as well as Ship who completed his 230th. And, this was Just Randy's 3rd trail. We're still out of whistles but GRC decided to give him her old one to keep the 2 timer tradition going, even though we missed giving it to Randy on his 2nd trail.
We had no virgins but there was one out-of-town returning visitor by the name of Russel from St Augustine. Russle was passing through town on business and decided to stop in to see his old friend GRC, a former employee of hers back in Okalahoma City during a different era. This was actually Russel's 5th JRH3 trail, but he wasn't recognized for it since his attendance is so sporatic. Ya gotta attend somewhat regularly for your name to remain on the RA's checklist.
The only one I didn't mention here so far was Spicy Dick Slapper who was there pimping his Naked Pirate H3 suggested 5K Dare Bare Race (nakid run) this coming Sunday morning at 8 AM at Caliente Nudist Resort. Contact Spicy at spicydickslapper@yahoo.com if interested. There are several local area hasher that will be attending.
The next JRH3 hash will be this coming Saturday, May 4th. Since its a Saturday, there will be a hash raffle during this hash, so don't forget to bring something to donate. One person's trash is another person's treasure. for complete info, go to http://www.jollyrogerh3.com/2013_05_04_Directions.htm.
Trail Directions & Info
Where: Meet in northwest side of the Home Depot parking lot, located at 5125 South Dale Mabry Highway, Tampa, FL 33611. For a map, go to http://goo.gl/maps/HHG4M.
When: Meet at 6:30 PM, hares away at 7:30 PM.
Directions: From I-275 & Dale Mabry, in central Tampa, go south on Dale Mabry for about 4.5 miles and find the Home Depot on the right just past Gandy. For a map, go to http://goo.gl/maps/e1aR6.
Trail: This will be 3+ mile live hare trail with 1 beer stop and a shiggy level of 1 on a 1-5 scale with 5 being the toughest.
Hare: Just Jeanne will be the hare with
H A Z U K A S H I I as her co-hare/trainer.On After: The on after will "tentatively" be at Hooters, located at 4420 W Gandy Blvd Tampa, FL 33611. For a map, go to http://goo.gl/maps/h1mSL. To get there from the starting location, go right on Dale Mabry for .2 miles. Go right on Pearl Ave for 0.9 miles. Go right on Hespirides for .4 miles. Go right on Gandy and find Hooters on the immediate right. For a map, go to http://goo.gl/maps/6Fju9. Or, using major cross streets, go left on Dale Mabry, left on Gandy and find Hooters on the left at Manhattan.
Phone Number: For more information, or in case you get lost, call my mobile phone at 813-943-4855.