Jolly Roger H3 |
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Hare, FRB, FBI & Brainless Award Winner
(Basic Hash Trash)
HPV, Dancing With Seaman and Eat
My F*cking Sausage
were the
hares, Lepracock was the
FRB, Inda Linda was the FBI U-Drive won the Brainless Award,
Rectal Room Mate was the RA and Inda Linda was OnSec & Hash Cash and Beer
Did I miss anybody?
Expanded Hash Trash
HPV let us all
park in front of his house.
One of B&B's gorgeous daughters Rachael hashed with us officially for the first
time and proved that she is truly B&B's daughter :)
U Drive got Brainless. I don't remember what for but I remember it was really
funny. She had to be stopped from drinking it all.
Mermaids was the on-after. Expensive beer. Tasty food you can't pronounce. A
bartender I had a crush on in college. My kind of place.
Trail Directions & Info
Jolly Roger H3
Trail #837
Dances With Seaman's & Eat My F*cking Sausage's Virgin Lay Hash
Friday, November 23rd, 2012
Where: The starting location hash changed to HPV's house, located at 6616 N 12th St, Tampa, FL 33604. For a map, go to http://goo.gl/maps/9KCAz. Its just around the corner from the original starting location.
When: Meet at 6:30 PM, on trail at 7:30 PM.
Directions: From I-275 & I-4, in central Tampa, go north on I-275 for 2.7 miles to Exit 48. Go right on Sligh for .4 miles, right on N 12th St for .4 miles and find 6616 on the right. Go to
http://goo.gl/maps/i26aK for a map.Trail: This will be a 2-3 miles, pre-set, dead hare, trail wth a shiggy level of 1 on a
1-5 scale with 5 being the toughest.Hares: HPV will be the trainer with Eat My F*cking Sausage & Dancing With Seaman as co-hares/trainees.
Donations: Suggest $6 for drinkers and $3 for non-drinkers.
On After: The on after will be at the Mermaid Tavern, located at 6719 N Nebraska Ave, Tampa, FL 33604. For a map, go to
http://goo.gl/maps/ghWTk. To get there from the starting location (HPV's house), go north on 12th St and make an immediate left onto E Knollwood St for .3 miles. Go right on the 3rd street onto Nebraska for .1 mile and find the Mermaid Tavern on the right. For a map, go to http://goo.gl/maps/eW9jn.Phone Number:
For more information, or in case you get lost, call our mobile phone at 813-943-4855.Receding Hareline:
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