Jolly Roger H3
of the Tampa Bay Metro Area

Trail #786
Immaculate Taxi
hank Gispert I
ts Friday Hash
Friday, May 25th, 2012

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Hare Blessings

Its time for a little
South Tampa run
And Taxi & ID
Will show us some fun
For we are taking over this island
And we don't even need a gun

Standard End Blessing

Shitty Name

Hare, FRB, FBI & Brainless Award Winner

Taxi and Immaculate Deception were the hares, Spicy Dick Slapper was the FRB, Access All Areas was the FBI and the hares won the Brainless Award.


Hash Trash

Here, Deat,Fe, Dear,



It's 1:30??? Mabes. Good trail. On after right now. Thank god for auto correct. Shots....plural. There was....idk some hash friendly house, beer was given. I got lost, no beer stop. Damn Dab,damn Access All Areas. There's an eyelash in my eye right now. Ummmm, people brought their dogs. They were cute. Dogs were cute. Shitty friends mom is Goes Down Easy. Lol!!!! I heart ID. Taxi's cool too.

Here's to cooling off in my car and not getting a DUI.

On- Keep your shirt off.-On,

Inda Linda

Inda Linda

Trail Directions & Info

Jolly Roger H3
of the Tampa Bay Metro Area
Immaculate Taxi's
hank Gispert Its Friday Hash
May 25th, 2012

Where: Meet in the southeast corner of the parking lot of the Anchor Bar & Grill, located at 304 East Davis Blvd (on Davis Island), in Tampa, FL.

When: Meet at 6:30 PM, on trail at 7:30 PM.

Directions: To get there from I-275 & I-4, in central Tampa, take Exit 45A towards downtown Tampa W. Follow signs onto Ashley St for about 1 mile. Go right on Kennedy for .3 miles. Go left on S Hyde Park for .5 miles. Take ramp onto Davis Blvd and then East Davis Blvd for 1.2 mile and find the Anchor Bar & Grill on the right. Click here for a map.

Trail: This will be 2.5 miles trail with shiggy level of 1, on a 1-5 scale, with 5 being the toughest.

Hares: Taxidermiphiliac & Immaculate Deception will be the hares.

Donations: Suggest $6 for drinkers and $3 for non-drinkers.

On After: The on after will be at the Anchor Bar & Grill, back at the start

Phone Number: For more information, or in case you get lost, call our mobile phone at 813-943-4855.

Receding Hareline: Click here to view it.

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