Jolly Roger H3 |
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Metatwhorical Sunshine and Rusty Pipes were the hares, Liquor In The Front Poke Her In The Eye was the FRB, Always The Bull was the FBI and Mommy Deepest won the Brainless Award.
Metawhorical Sunshine
and Rusty Pipes were our lovely hares for this Davis Island hash. A great
location to prevent unwanted tutu muggings. There was a "Jaws" check with one
option being to check the water. Unfortunately, Always the Bull did not clench
the opportunity for water sports, however she did manage to get FBI and Liquor
got FRB. We'll see if that chain will manage to topple her over on the next
hash. Mommy Deepest had a virgin that fell on her back but still managed to
remain a virgin so for that she got the brainless. All the tutus were great but
Creamy's tutu was my favorite because it accentuated all the right areas ;)
Overall it was just another S-H-I-T-T-Y T-R-A-I-L!
On- A tutu is not a substitute for a kilt.-On
Trail Directions & Info
Jolly Roger H3
of the Tampa Bay Metro Area
Trail #759
Tutu Hash
Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012
Since this hash will be on the 22nd second day of the month, or 22 day of the month as in "tu tu", suggest you wear a tutu.Where: Meet at approximately
753 Martinique Ave, in Tampa FL, which is in the dirt parking area on the right, just before Peter O Knight Airport, on Davis Island, just south of downtown Tampa.When: Meet at 6:30 PM, on trail at 7:30 PM.
Directions: From I-275 & Ashley, go south on Ashley to Kennedy Blvd. Go right on Kennedy for .3 miles. Go left on S Hyde Park Ave for .5 miles. Take the Davis Island Ramp and follow Davis Blvd for .7 miles. At the fork in the road, go bear left onto E Davis Island Blvd for 1.7 miles. At the traffic circle take the 3rd right onto Severn Ave for .1 miles. Severn becomes Martinique Ave and curves around the airport runways to the left. Find the 2nd dirt parking area on the right just prior to the airport terminal. Click
here for a map.Trail: This will be a 3 mile dead hare, dog & stroller friendly trail with a shiggy level of 1.69 (
on a 1-5 scale with 5 being the toughest).Hare: MetaWhorical Sunshine & Rusty Pipes will be the hares.
Donations: Suggest $6 for drinkers & $3 for non-drinkers.
On After: The on after will be at Yeoman's Road Pub, located at 236 East Davis Blvd, which is a dog-friendly pub. To get there from the starting location, follow the roads backwards for 1.7 miles and find the Yeoman's Pub on the left. Click here for a map.
Phone Number: For more information, or in case you get lost, call our mobile phone at 813-943-4855.
Receding Hareline: Click here to view it.