Jolly Roger
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Hare Blessing
If you like packages, this trail is just for you.
For setting the trail tonight, are 3 hares, all dudes.
Hot Quarter Load and Rectal, are here to teach the pup.
So Mother Load don't get caught, or a "down down" you'll drink up.
And with all male Hares laying trail down.
Rectal should be happy with all the dick's around.
Repeat after me
Bless these Hares
Bless this trail
Urban trail us, no confuse us
Campus copus, no stop us
Hot Co-eds us, no distract us
In the name of the Flour
And the Fun
And the Holy Run
Hares Away!
HotQuarterLoad, MotherLoad & RectalRoomMate were the hares. BlindPussy was the FRB and Maximus, visiting from Milan H3 (Italy), won the Brainless Award. WannaEarnAnA was the OnSec. BatteredWoman & GooLiteSpecial drove the beer truck and Rash4Days & MathSucks were the Beer Angels. CasualFriday was the RA. And, JustMatt(Pittman) was named ShipRectum.
It was a great turn-out for Mother Load’s virgin lay; Rectal Roommate, Hot Quarter Load and Mother Load laid a fun live trail through USF! Hot started out our entertainment by busting-up his flour bag at chalk talk, and thank you Blind Pussy, for another entertaining blessing-of-the-hares. My favorite part of trail was busting up cheerleading practice! I think most of us scared the crap out of the young girls, and Just Joe picked himself up some digits. Thank you Goo and Battered Woman for driving the beer van to the top of the 69-story parking garage for an awesome beer stop! Jeers to those lazy wanks who took the elevator up…you know who you are! A-for-effort on Kitty Litter’s part for trying to catch the water thrown over the side of the garage for him, as he looked mighty thirsty standing on that hot sidewalk 69 stories down. I did enjoy watching Just Matt lug the 1,069 pound chain around for his second time just to hand it over to Speedy Gonzales, I mean Blind Pussy. Circle was jam-packed with all the ground we had to cover; we had five JRH3 first-timers, a returning visitor (nice to see you Dude!) and a naming. I lost count on how many blowjobs were given out, it was almost like hanging out in the parking lot of the Green Iguana. Our hashing visitor from Italy, Maximus, downed the brainless award like a champ; he even doused his Italian Euro-loafers that won him the skull in the first place. We heard the story of Just Matt getting shipwrecked with Fuckle-Up; and he will now and forever more be called; until we decide to change it, Ship-Rectum. Woohoo! Hashy new name baby! I will venture to say, I now know what it must be like teaching drama class at "Donny-School"… I have never seen so wanks sing the same song and not have anyone of them be on the same sentence. Thanks to Whiney, Wanna and Rectal for collectively on-sec-ing the circle, and thank you Math and Rash for keeping us all lubed up! As always, thank you to every wanker who participated in Wednesday's hash, you guys rock!
Casual Friday
Jolly Roger
of the Tampa Bay Metro Area
Hash #553
Wednesday, April 21st 2010
Directions: Click here for a map.
From I-275 & The Down Town East-West Exit, in Central Tampa:
From Wesley Chapel, to the north:
From St Pete, to the south:
From Brandon, to the east:
From Clearwater, to the west:
Hares: HotQuarterLoad, MotherLoad & RectalRoomMate will be the "live" hares.
On After:
Phone Number: