Jolly Roger H3
Trail #484
Road Bike Hash (Bash)
August 9th, 2009
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Hare Blessings

Casual laid a trail on a bike.
She promised one we would like.
Lets hope she stays true,
'cause we'll all be blue,

if she say its 30 miles, pshch!

Repeat after me:

Bless this harriette
Bless this trail
Bless these bikes
Coppus no catchus
Heatus no stroke us
Tire no blow us

In the name of the flour
the fun
and the whole bike...


Hash Trash

Coming soon....

Jolly Roger H3
of the Tampa Bay Metro Area
Runs #484
Sunday, August 9th, 2009
Special Addition
Summer Adventure #2
Road Bike Hash (Bash)
RSVPs Requested!

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